Going Green In 2021

Going Green In 2021

Five Eco-Friendly Resolutions You Can Keep.

If the crazy weather patterns and terrifying forest fires of 2020 have helped us all to realise one thing, it’s that we all need to do a little more for our planet. From thinking before you shop to being more energy efficient with your home heating here are five green resolutions that are both achievable and will leave you feeling better than your barely used gym membership.   

1 – What’s On The Menu? – You are what you eat, and if you’re trying to be more eco friendly then it starts with what’s on your plate.

If you have a garden then start planting. Don’t expect a bumper crop overnight, but not only can getting your hands in the soil be great for improving your mood, but the satisfaction of entirely homegrown is hard to beat. Most supermarkets now have clearer labelling to show where the food comes from and if it’s organic or not.  

Eating green doesn’t have to be more expensive, but you will definitely be more successful if you plan out your meals and you are more conscious of what you buy when you’re shopping. 

If you haven’t done so already a great green resolution for 2021 is to reduce your meat intake. The negative impact of increased meat consumption on the planet is well documented. From the huge water usage required per kg of red meat to meat’s massive carbon footprint, by cutting down on how often you eat it you’ll be doing both the planet and the animals a big favour.  

2 – Shop Local, Shop Conscious – Shopping consciously involves more than just bringing your reusable shopping bag with you, it involves thinking before you buy.  Supporting small and local businesses can help reducing travel and even giving you the option to swap the car for the bike. It’s also a great way to put money back into your local community.  

When it comes to buying new tech (we know the January sales make that flatscreen hard to resist) try not to upgrade or replace without a good reason. The thirst for the latest and greatest tech results in unfathomable amounts of e-waste and major damage when mining for raw materials.   

2021 green resolutions
Trusted Energy

3 – Switch To Solar – Solar panels are now more affordable and widely available than ever before. Getting a solar installation from Trusted Energy Solutions is a great way to save on your electricity bill and do your bit for the planet at the same time.

Most installations use panels with a 20+ year guarantee, can pay for themselves with cost savings within 10 years, add value to your home and require very minimal maintenance.  

4 – Heat Your Home, Not The Planet – Trusted Energy Solutions has nearly a decade’s experience and over 200 renewable energy installations to base their reputation on. If you’re in the East Midlands and looking to go green in 2021 then talk to them about an air source or ground source heat pump.

Both technologies say goodbye to fossil fuels in favour of using the heat from the air and ground around your home. Clever compression technology ensures a healthy, happy and heated home. Combined with a renewable energy source like solar to power the pumps and the you’ll have one of most earth kind alternative heating sources available.

On top of On top of that, the potential for some Government cash back, high heating efficiency, and cheaper running costs compared to most conventional heating sources means its also kinder to your budget.   

5 – Don’t Be A Water Waster – One of the easiest green resolutions for 2021 can involve some really simple changes. We’ve all seen the damage of single use plastics, and water bottles are a big contributor. Swap your shop bought bottled water for a reusable one that you take with you.

It’s a money saver and good for the environment. Of course, water waste is much more than just what you drink, so start to look around your home for ways you can save water. Simple changes like a low water usage shower head, a more water efficient toilet cistern and turning off the tap while you brush your teeth all adds up.

For more information on how Trusted Energy and reusable energy can transform your property and save you money in 2021, contact us today.

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01636 555 011info@trusted.energy

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