Getting The Most Out Of Your Heat Pump

Maximum Efficiency, Maximum Savings

How To Get More From Your Heat Pump System

It’s time to level up your home-heating with a switch to a modern heat pump system that is designed, built, and installed to last. We’ve put together a beginner’s guide to take you all the way from choosing the right system to making the most of it.

From cashing in on government green-grants to high-tech insulation, here’s how to make the move to air-source or ground-source heating.

Investigate – Do your research. Read the reviews. And most importantly, talk to the experts. Choose a supplier with experience and who will happily talk you through options that are the best for your home, not just for their sales figures. At Trusted Energy Solutions we’ve built a reputation in and around the Midlands for over a decade of supplying and installing modern heating solutions. We’re happy to give a 100% free quote, and to design a system that is right for you. Trusted Energy are specialists in air-source and ground-source heat pumps for both residential and commercial projects.

Install – Installation of new heating systems can be a headache. If you are considering an air-source or ground-source heating system, then depending on your existing heating setup and the design of your home, getting the right installers is key. Not only can choosing the right installers mean less disruption to your daily life, but also can help with cutting costs. Trusted Energy have worked with new and existing builds of all shapes and sizes, and they’ve adopted best practices to ensure work is carried out safely and hygienically.

Incentives – Whether you’re able to take advantage of the government’s new Green Deal or you are interested in the Renewable Heat Incentive, it’s important to find out what options are available. While the initial outlay on an air-source or ground-source heat pump system might seem a lot, when you factor in the annual cash-back from the government and the ongoing savings on your heating bill, many of Trusted Energy’s systems will pay for themselves before the warranty has even ended.

Invest – Invest in a heating pump system that is designed to last and has a warranty to match, choose a system that can improve the re-sale value of your home, and one that is built to the highest standards. Yes, you can buy an off-the-shelf heater system that might take the chill off for a winter or two, but it’s your energy bill that will probably be making you sweat the most. You could also stick with the heating system that your house had installed in an era when ‘going green’ wasn’t a consideration and fossil fuels were both cheaper and their impact was less understood. Investing in an air-source or ground-source heating pump system designed specifically for your home can help you be kind to the earth, without having to cost it.

Insulate – Creating all that heat and then letting it escape through poorly insulated walls and roof spaces, or draughty doors and windows is literally throwing your money into the wind. Making sure your home is insulated efficiently is a money saver, heat saver and is earth-kind. Our friends at Superfoil are some of the best in the business when it comes to the latest tech in insulation efficiency. And, don’t forget to check whether you can qualify for some extra cash savings with insulation incentives.  

Design to Install Service
For more information on how Trusted Energy and reusable energy can transform your property and save you money, contact us today.

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We would love to hear from you. For new installations we offer a free initial consultation and site survey with no high pressure sales.

Use the contact form to send us your query, or call us on 01636 555 011 . Our consultancy always starts with a short telephone conversation to understand your needs.

4 Sherwood Network Centre
Sherwood Energy Village
NG22 9FD

01636 555 011

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